Wolvic Chromium 1.1 Released

Hello, and welcome to the first Wolvic Chromium release after our 1.0 release! This release brings support for the WebXR AR module, external environment support, session history purging, and more. Let’s dig in!

Wolvic Chromium v1.1 brings long-awaited support for the WebXR AR (Augmented Reality) module. This module expands the WebXR core specification with specific features for AR use cases in the Web. Given the multi-platform and multi-device nature of Wolvic, we have implemented it to support devices with opaque-only blend modes (like Meta Quest devices) as well as headsets supporting alpha blend modes (like Pico4, Pico4U) and also devices using additive display technologies (like the MagicLeap2).

In the Gecko version of Wolvic, Private Mode has had an initial explainer page that is shown when enabling Private Mode. In the case of the Chromium port, that explainer was not shown because we didn’t have support for loading data:// URIs, but now we do, so you’ll be able to read all About Private Mode at last! We’ve also added the ability to purge your session history in both Private Mode and regular browsing, in case you feel the need to do so.

Those of you who dug around in Wolvic’s configuration may have noticed a place for add-ons, even though those only work in the Gecko version. If not, don’t worry about it and definitely don’t go looking for it, because we’ve removed it as of this release. It will return only when add-on support is added to Chromium Wolvic.

On a somewhat similar note, previous versions of Wolvic Chromium only allowed you to select among the three environments included in the package. From v1.1, users can pick environments from a larger list that includes environments that are downloaded on demand. This means you can take advantage of the four new VR environments we’ve added, all of which are available through Wolvic’s Settings > Environment dialog, where any new additions to the Wolvic 3D Environments GitHub repository will appear and be available for download. Our thanks to Giimann, Simon Waldherr, and Duncan Rawlinson for releasing their works under the CC BY 2.0 or CC BY-NC 2.0 licenses.

Those are the big changes in 1.1, but as always, there are still more updates listed in the notes below. If you’ve found a new problem or have another issue, please send us your feedback or, if you prefer, file an issue on GitHub. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy Wolvic 1.1!